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Pave the way!

Help us Pave the Way
towards the future at Level Creek UMC!

Our goal is to raise $125,000 for parking lot improvements on campus

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Now? Is this project necessary?

The current gravel lot has become very difficult to navigate. Many of our parking spaces are unusable because of large ruts and wash-out. This creates a safety issue and is not welcoming to visitors or church members. We’ve done faithful work to renovate the Sanctuary and the Family Life Center; improving the Parking Lots is the final piece of this puzzle and perhaps one of the most needed.


What Improvements are included?

  • Grading, leveling, and paving of current gravel parking lot with porous asphalt; striping for parking spaces

  • Concrete curbing along portions of the entry road to prevent washout

  • Remove and replace damaged sections of current concrete parking lot

  • Repair damaged portions of entry road and reseal the entire paved road

  • Add a large concrete pad to replace damaged asphalt surrounding the dumpster

  • Add a utility pole with lighting to increase safety and visibility in the new parking lot

Why are we using porous (recycled) asphalt instead of regular asphalt?

Paving with regular asphalt would require building a costly retention pond designed by civil engineers. Using porous asphalt on top of our current gravel base allows water to drain effectively and is an environmentally friendly alternative. The porous asphalt is dark in color, durable, and will look similar to regular pavement.


Will we gain more parking spaces?

We do expect to increase the number of parking spaces, but the primary goal is safer and more usable parking.


How much money will this cost?

We need to raise $125,000. While this is a significant amount of money, it is far less than we envisioned. We have found a paving company that is willing to work on our small job and environmental requirements will only become more strict and costly in the future. We need to act now. 


What is the timeline?

We hope to complete work during the month of August before our preschool begins for the Fall.


How can I help?

Please consider making a financial gift to our Pave the Way Campaign. Gifts can be made in one or multiple installments. We simply ask that gifts be received at the church by December 30, 2023. 

***We do ask that this gift to Pave the Way be in addition to your regular financial support because the work of the church continues and we do not want our general budget or programs to be compromised.

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